Proven and efficient methodology to step-change culture, and implement a new strategy for maintenance driving safety, quality, and reliability.
A sound and intuitive process establishing solid preventive maintenance plans, an RCA routine, and trained cross functional OEE improvement teams in year One.
Improved maintenance, effective planning and high energy procurement together with our Bad Cost Identification and Elimination program drives cost down.
Safety Performance
Regardless of $-value, right thing to do
Culture change
Reactive → Proactive
Happening → Reliability
Cut corners → Quality
Order/discipline → 5S
Individual → Team
Top down walk the talk
Near miss focus
Preventive Safety Actions
Equipment Effectiveness
Increased capacity, always big value
Unit cost reduction
Higher reliability/redundancy;
Cash from tighter logistics
Improved on time delivery
Take out a shift/less overtime
Consolidate production lines/plants
Platform to drive lean
Market flexibility
Bad Cost Elimination®
Best maintenance practices → less intervention, less overtime, less material
Planning drives efficiency, and enables best in class procurement
Sharp and specialized procurement of contractors and material
Day one change, then ongoing Bad Cost Identification and Elimination continues improvement program